Boomers are Punk too Designer Bio

 Hi, my name is Brian and I'm a musician from Kansas City, Missouri. Welcome to my clothing designer bio! For a little background, I've played in rock and punk bands over the years. I started designing and making my own stage clothing because I couldn't afford the cool gear I wanted. With the support and encouragement of some friends, I opened a shop on Etsy in early 2022. To my surprise, I sold over 50 items in my first year alone all across the U.S. and UK. I've received a lot of positive feedback and even caught the attention of a bonafide rockstar through my Instagram. My mission is to be able to offer up what I love and enjoy, to like-minded people who don't have thousands of dollars to drop on killer clothes but still want to express who they are and look their best. My hope is that my brand is recognized as something of great value at an affordable price point. If you'd like to see my current catalog of designs, you can find them here.

Brian Kibler designer of Boomers are Punk too clothing on stage playing bass guitar